#FloetryByJulietKego | For Leah Sharibu – A Happy Birthday?

For daughters – Alice Ngaddah, Chibok Girls and Leah Sharibu…LEAH – A Happy Birthday?

They’ll be back, Papa
Aye Mama..

Beaded words
strung into secrets shloka
hang ’em like pāda
a dua verse, a psalm, a song,
an ululation, a chant, a canticle,
a poem; a sombre sonnet for their safety..

A prayer for sisters;
a song for our daughters♥JK

 © Juliet ‘Kego

Drowning Dreams…


We were there
when she folded her dreams
and laid them neatly
in a metal box
(between layers of rocky, pain-pebbles)..

She shut down the lid
with a force of finality
and put it down, soft-like
by the river bank;
– her dreams, her heart, her soul.

We stood with her
as the box sank to sleep
at the river bed
and wordlessly, we walked her back,
a half-being, to a half-life…

(c) Juliet ‘Kego